Reconsideration of Value
Reconsideration Of Value (ROV)
An appraisal will likely be conducted to determine the value and condition of the property offered as collateral to secure your loan with US Mortgage Corporation. The appraisal will assist in making a credit decision on your loan application. You will be provided with a copy of the appraisal report in accordance with applicable requirements. A request for Reconsideration of Value (“ROV”) is a request for the appraiser to re-evaluate the analysis and conclusion provided in the appraisal report based on additional information. You are entitled to submit an ROV if you believe the appraisal valuation is incorrect, inaccurate or deficient. Further information on how you may request a ROV is set forth below.
To request an ROV, we require the Borrower to complete a Reconsideration of Value form which can be provided by your loan officer or can be downloaded here ROV Form. The borrower may (but is not obligated to) consult with your Loan Originator or Real Estate Agent to assist in completing the ROV form and to ascertain other values and information on comparable properties. The ROV form requests the borrower to include additional comparable sales and/or additional information that is believed to impact the appraisal valuation. The ROV form permits the borrower to request clarifications or corrections unrelated to the value concluded in the appraisal report (i.e. factual errors). Only one ROV request is permitted per appraisal and a Borrower may submit no more than five (5) alternative comparable sales for consideration. The borrower will not incur any fees or costs in connection with a ROV request.
The borrower must complete the ROV form and submit it to your Loan Originator. The borrower’s Loan Originator will confirm receipt and submit to Underwriting. An underwriter will review the ROV form within two business days to ensure the ROV request is complete, and the request does not violate any Appraisal Independence Requirements. Upon review, the borrower will be contacted if further information is needed or the request is unclear or otherwise deficient. If the ROV request is complete, the ROV will be provided to the appraiser. The Loan Originator will communicate the outcome of the ROV request to you which usually occurs within 5 business days of submission of the ROV request to the appraiser.
The borrower may contact their Loan Originator at any time with any questions related to the ROV process.